Emily on the beach


Hi, I’m Emily Florence and I’m the author of Even Better: Easier Ways to a Happier Life. I’m an award-winning writer, journalist and the founder of EveryDay Happy, a lifestyle community (formerly Savvy Miss) which was honored to be named a Forbes Top 100 Website for Women and a w3 award winner. 

I’m also a business consultant and a PR and publicity strategist.

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Join me for the following:

Classes & Events

New Book Release!

Even Better: Easier Ways to a Happier Life is being called the perfect beach read for summer. I hope you enjoy my new book!

Emily at the beach

Business Consulting & Coaching

Work with me for business consulting to build and grow your business.

Emily at the beach

DIY PR Course

Join the DIY PR Course to get in the media, earn credibility and grow your business, book or brand.

Emily at the beach

Even Better Life Coaching

Join me for 1-hour private coaching sessions to improve your life in so many ways.

Emily at the beach

EveryDay Happy Workshops

Join me and my company EveryDay Happy for coaching, workshops and events.

Classes & Events

The Gratitude Challenge

A FREE 5-day challenge to start living with more appreciation and to create more joy and satisfaction in your life.

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