Meet Emily


Hi, I’m Emily Florence and I’m the author of Even Better: Easier Ways to a Happier Life a 2024 must-read feel-good book. I’m an award-winning writer, journalist and certified life, life purpose and career coach. I’m also a business consultant and a PR and publicity strategist.

I’m the founder of the lifestyle community EveryDay Happy and have been featured in several major media outlets including Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Huffington Post and the Los Angeles Business Journal.

Before becoming an author, coach and an entrepreneur, I was an entertainment publicist representing award-winning TV shows including American IdolGilmore GirlsSo You Think You Can Dance and more.

I have a Master of Arts degree in Broadcast Journalism from Emerson College in Boston and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Cultural Anthropology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. My first company was honored to be named a Forbes Top 100 Website for Women and a w3 Award Winner for Best Lifestyle Website and Best Writing for a Lifestyle Website.

Thank you for joining me. I’m happy you’re here!


5 Fun Facts About Me

1.  I can say the alphabet backwards in under 10 seconds flat.

2.  At 20 years-old, I took a quarter off from college and went to Europe for several months by myself. The first month I lived in a flat in Florence, Italy with seven other people – I was the only American. The remainder of my trip I traveled everywhere I could.

That experience changed me to my core. Everything about it from traveling alone half-way across the world, to meeting new people, seeing other ways of living, learning how to depend on myself, and not complaining because I didn’t have anyone to complain to. I highly recommend everyone travel solo.

3.  I’ve been lucky to call 9+ special places ‘home’ so far in my life including: Ojai, CA, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Florence, Italy, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Boston, New York City and an island in the state of Hawaii.

4. I dropped out of law school after four days. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life when I finished college and law school was something I applied for and got into, so I went. And even though I felt really cool saying, ‘I’m going to law school,’ by my third day I knew it wasn’t something I wanted. And if I stayed, I’d only be doing so to prove to everyone that I could do it.

That was the moment in my life when I realized at the end of the day it didn’t matter what people thought or said about me; what mattered was how I felt. In making the decision to leave, I chose to live my life for me.

5.  I have the cutest, sweetest and silliest Labrador pup on the planet, named Harper, who completely has my heart.

Quotes I live by:

“As you go the way of life you will see a great chasm. Jump. It’s not as wide as you think.” – Joseph Campbell

“Happiness is not readymade. It comes from your own actions.” — Dalai Lama

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Emily Florence and Harper pup.

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