Valentine’s Day is here and while I personally appreciate any holiday that allows me to raise a glass and cheers, I know not everyone’s a fan of today.

Since we were kids, Valentine’s Day has been associated with love. Not just any love, but off the charts romantic, soulmate, I’ll cross rivers, slay dragons, love you forever and ever kind of 80’s rock ballad inspiring love.

So, it’s quite natural when February 14th rolls around if we’re not in a relationship we tend to feel bad and question what’s wrong with us and if we are in a relationship but it falls short of a Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan film or Nicholas Sparks book we tend to feel bad and question what’s wrong with us too.

Yesterday, my morning tea gave me a little pre-Valentine’s Day message: “You don’t need love, you are the love.” (See it here.)

How great is that?! …And thank you very much, Yogi tea. 🙂

It’s true.

You don’t need to be in a relationship (or a red-hot one I should say) to experience love. You don’t need to look outside of yourself to feel and have love.

All love begins with self-love so at the very least we can view Valentine’s as a reminder to shower ourselves with love. (Not to mention, our friends, pets, children and neighbors if sans a happy romance.)

Gift yourself flowers.

Write yourself a letter of love.

Treat yourself to a glass of bubbly. (I’ll join you!)

I understand how Valentine’s Day can make people feel bad, unlovable or have a grudge against cupid, but let go of the disappointments, cancel the pity parties and embrace this day.

Love is the greatest feeling and emotion we can experience and deserves celebrating today and every day.

The world needs love right now, maybe more than ever. So choose love, be love and share love.

Wishing you a Happy Love Day!