No matter what’s on our to-do list, the most important thing we can accomplish in any day is being good to ourselves.
This doesn’t mean we have to spend hours at a spa or big bucks on a fancy dinner. (How fantastic though if you can!) I’m talking about simple things we can all do that will make a huge difference in our days and lives.
On the eve of my birthday I have a tradition of watching the sunset by myself.
Sometimes I journal, take inventory of the past year and set goals. Other times, I simply watch the sun fall and say goodbye to the year.
I always do it somewhere with a spectacular view and I always take a picture.
We all need time alone. It’s not something to be rewarded after trudging through a rough week.
“Me” time isn’t earned, nor is it a luxury we should feel guilty about – it’s a necessity to recharge and be “all one” with ourselves.
Lately, I’ve been thinking about expectations and expecting great things to happen in our lives.
Not wanting, hoping or wishing for these things, but expecting them.
Last weekend, I got to hang out with my goddaughter, Bailey, and second cousin, Aiden, two of the sweetest, smartest and cutest toddlers I’ve ever met. (Yes, I may be slightly biased. 😉 )
I spent quite a bit of time over the weekend cozying up reading as a much-appreciated storm swept through California.
One thing I came across inspired me to my core and I wanted to share it with you: