Make Time for What Matters Most

Make Time for What Matters Most

We’ve officially entered the most wonderful time of the year, which for many of us feels more like the craziest time of the year.

From stringing lights to wrapping gifts and mailing out cards, there’s so much on our plates around the holidays it’s easy to get carried away and forget to make time for what matters most.

3 Ways to Avoid Holiday Overwhelm

3 Ways to Avoid Holiday Overwhelm

The holiday season is officially upon us. Christmas trees are being decorated, gifts wrapped in shiny paper and calendars are filling up with festivities.

It’s a magical time of year full of merriment and also a time when many of us sink into a state of overwhelm.

To keep the “Happy” in your holidays this year here are 3 ways to avoid holiday overwhelm:

How to Deal with Overwhelm: 6 Easy Ways

How to Deal with Overwhelm: 6 Easy Ways

No matter how organized or Zen we strive to be; sometimes life gets crazy.

Whether you’re launching a project, overworked at your job, having a baby, remodeling a house, dealing with a loss, planning a wedding – you name it. Overwhelm lurks around many corners of our lives.

I recently had a bad case of overwhelm…

The Easy Way to Get What You Want – Setting Intentions

The Easy Way to Get What You Want – Setting Intentions

The other day I took my car to get serviced and was reminded of one of the easiest ways to get what you want in life – intend to.

Setting intentions gives our mind direction. We consciously decide what we want and declare it to our selves and the universe (this may sound a little woo-woo, but it’s true).

Top Two Reasons to do What You Love for a Living

Top Two Reasons to do What You Love for a Living

In 2005, Steve Jobs addressed the graduating class of Stanford University telling them, “For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? And whenever the answer has been ‘no’ for too many days in a row I know I need to…